Ewunike Brady

Owning a home is an exciting journey. One filled with a sense of pride and accomplishment. It’s a place for families to gather, celebrations to be had, hard times to be weathered, where memories abound. At Wells Fargo we are proud of the exciting work we are leading to create greater opportunities for a more equitable housing system. When our industry comes together, we have the power to create and deploy products and programs to create legacies and build wealth that will span generations.

In my role as the Head of the African American Segment with Wells Fargo’s Home Lending Diverse Segments team, I am responsible for creating and implementing strategy in support of addressing the disparity in wealth and homeownership that we face as a nation, with a specific focus on advancing Black homeownership. We are deeply committed to working hard to close the gap and create a more inclusive housing system. That work requires partnerships across the industry, boots on the ground, housing advocacy, policy changes, product development, and so on. 

For me it also resonates on a personal level. With 20 years in the business, the power and beauty of homeownership took on new meaning when I became a mother. Did you know that Black Americans will possess $2 trillion dollars in spending power by the end of next year, with Black women accounting for 52% of the black population in America?  Black, head of household women have incredible impacts across all industries, not just mortgage.

It’s extremely important to me that my amazing seven-year-old daughter will encounter a housing system designed to envelope her with wealth-building opportunities. While I work to build equity now so that I can pass on generational wealth, I look forward to seeing her adorable #BlackGirlMagic aspire without pause as she grows, hones her passions, and becomes a homeowner and an investor in her community. 

Together, the work we do plants seeds – seeds of access, of education, accountability, stability, and more. In today’s market, doubt and concern are palpable. In the face of that, there is hope that you can still start to build equity today. Owning a home is possible. You can build a plan to make that vision a reality. Talk with our Home Mortgage Consultants and begin the incredible journey to homeownership.

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