**FILE** Rep. Eleanor Holmes Norton (Courtesy of National Newspaper Publishers Association)
**FILE** Rep. Eleanor Holmes Norton (Courtesy of National Newspaper Publishers Association)

D.C. Del. Eleanor Holmes Norton called on the House to vote down the DC Crimes Act when it goes to the House floor on Wednesday.

The bill would remove the District鈥檚 authority to increase or decrease criminal penalties for violations of its own local laws and could be construed to prevent the city from establishing new crimes in the future. Passage and enactment would be the most substantial rollback of the District鈥檚 authority to govern itself in 30 years.

Norton said the bill was radical, undemocratic and paternalistic. She noted D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser, D.C. Attorney General Brian L. Schwalb and D.C. Council Chairman Phil Mendelson opposed the legislation.

鈥淭he DC CRIMES Act, which was introduced by a member of Congress from Florida, states the D.C. Council may not 鈥榚nact any act, resolution, or rule to change any criminal liability sentence in effect on the date of enactment of the DC CRIMES Act of 2024,鈥 Norton said. 鈥淭his provision, which does not define the term 鈥榗riminal liability sentence鈥 is as poorly drafted as it is offensive. The nearly 700,000 D.C. residents, a majority of whom are Black and Brown, are worthy and capable of self-government. I鈥檓 calling on the House to vote down this anti-home rule legislation.鈥

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